Take a Tour: Logan Center Community Garden

Video by Alex Epstein (AB ‘19)

If you’ve ever poked around the Logan Center’s exterior, trying to get a good photo, to visit Kilnhouse, or just taking in some flora, you might have come across a fenced-in patch of abundance: cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, and more.

The Logan Center Community Garden is managed by Summer Sparacin, the Logan Center’s Assistant Director of Events and Operations, and is open to staff, faculty, and students, as well as South Side community members.

This garden is self-run by 15 people here on campus. We have a raspberry bush, some strawberries and rhubarb patches, we grow a lot of herbs. In individual plots, people can plant whatever they like.
— Summer Sparacin

Watch the video above for a brief tour of the garden, and get in touch with Summer at ssparacin@uchicago.edu if you’re interested in getting involved.